Lesson: Exodus 40:16-21, 29-30, 34, 38
Golden Text: “For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys” (Exodus 40:38).
INTRODUCTION. When God delivered Israel from bondage, He was faithful in giving them a system of worship. He provided the design of the tabernacle, and every item needed to properly worship Him. The planning, preparation and setting up of the tabernacle took a lot of work. It fact, it was a year after they left Egypt before everything was ready and the tabernacle was set up. God also prepared two men, Bezalel, from the tribe of Judah and Aholiab from the tribe Dan, whom He filled with the Spirit of God gifting them with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship (see Exodus 35:30-33). These two men were also gifted to teach others their skills to help in constructing the tabernacle (see Exodus 35:34-35; 36:1). The key to this week’s lesson however, is that God planned it all and gave Moses the instructions that he carried out just as the Lord had commanded. The objects constructed for the tabernacle and the procedures to be conducted are types and symbols of the work of our Lord Jesus in redeeming us from sin. Therefore, it is profitable for us to study the tabernacle to understand more of God’s grace and provision for our salvation.
II. Background
for the Lesson:
As our lesson takes place, the Israelites
had been camped at Mount Sinai for about nine months after leaving Egypt (see
Exodus 19:1). During that time, God had given them instructions
concerning their sacrifices, their leadership, and how they were to live.
It had started with God confirming that Israel were His people by
establishing the Mosaic Covenant (see Exodus 19:5-8); the giving of the Ten
Commandments (see Exodus 20:1-17); followed by the teachings on interpersonal
relationships which included everything from neighbor relationships to
immorality, and the establishment of national feasts and offerings for the
tabernacle (see Exodus chapters 21-23). In chapters 25-27 while on
Mount Sinai, God gave Moses directions for the construction of the tabernacle;
in chapters 28-30 instructions were given for the conduct of the priesthood, and
the use of the tabernacle. In chapter 31, God gives the names of
the two men who would lead in the construction of the tabernacle and also gave
Moses the two tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments. In
chapter 32, we see Aaron building the golden calf that the people begged for
while Moses was away getting the Law from God. This chapter also
includes Moses’ reaction of breaking the tablets of the Law and Israel’s
judgment (see Exodus 32:7-35). In chapter 33 Moses constructs a
temporary tabernacle to be used until they finished the one God directed them to
build. Chapter 34 tells of the second tables of the Law that God
gave to Moses as well as reiterating the feasts that were to be celebrated.
In chapter 35, the Lord re-emphasizes the commitment to the
Sabbath day and He also gave Moses instructions for gathering the gifts
(materials and supplies) from the people to be used in the construction of the
tabernacle. Chapters 36-39 record the actual construction of the
tabernacle as well as the making of Aaron’s holy priestly garments.
This is where our lesson begins.
PREPARATIONS (Exodus 40:16-21, 29-30)A. The tabernacle raised (Exodus 40:16-17).
1. (vs. 16). This verse says “Thus did Moses: according to all that the Lord commanded him, so did he.” In Exodus 39:42-43, we are told that Moses looked at all the work that had been done in constructing the tabernacle as the Lord had directed and “Moses blessed them.” Immediately after this our first verse gives a summary statement saying “Thus did Moses: according to all that the Lord commanded him, so did he.”
2. (vs. 17). The Lord had already commanded Moses to set the tabernacle up on the first day of the first month so in this verse to remind us that Moses was completely obedient to God’s command, this verse says “And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up.” The people “reared up” or set up the tabernacle “in the second year” or a year after leaving Egypt, and on the first day of the first month which was Abib (see Exodus 13:2-5). It later became known as Nisan (see Esther 3:7) during the Babylonian Captivity. The tabernacle was now a visible reminder to the Israelites that God was always with them and they would not be making this difficult journey to Canaan by themselves.
B. The tabernacle covered (Exodus 40:18-19).
1. (vs. 18). This verse says “And Moses reared up the tabernacle, and fastened his sockets, and set up the boards thereof, and put in the bars thereof, and reared up his pillars.” The items Moses used in setting up the tabernacle had already been selected and prepared (see Exodus chapter 36). The “bars” held the entire sides of the tabernacle together (see Exodus 36:31-33). The hangings for the door were placed on the “pillars.” These items were used to set up the frame of the tabernacle.
2. (vs. 19). Next Moses “spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle, and put the covering of the tent above upon it; as the Lord commanded Moses.” The tent covered the structure and consisted of ten beautiful curtains fastened together in groups of five (see Exodus 36:8-10). The tent was also covered with eleven curtains made of goats’ hair and another layer of curtains made of rams’ skin dyed red (see Exodus 36:14-19). These layers made the tabernacle waterproof and therefore protecting the articles inside.However, after each step of the construction was finished, we are told that it was done “as the Lord commanded Moses.”
C. The ark installed (Exodus 40:20-21).
1. (vs. 20). Once the building was erected Moses “took and put the testimony into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark.” The “ark” which was normally referred to as “the ark of the covenant” was the most important item placed in the tabernacle. It was a wooden box overlaid with gold (see Exodus 37:1-2). The cover had on it the figure of two gold cherubim (see Exodus 25: 10-18; 37:6-7) and “the mercy seat,” where the high priest would sprinkle the blood for the atonement of the people’s sins once a year (see Leviticus 16:14-16; Hebrews 9:5-7). It was also regarded as the meeting place of God (see Exodus 25:22). Inside the ark, Moses placed “the testimony” which refers to the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments that God had given Moses (see Exodus 25:16). Hebrews 9:4 informs us that a pot of manna and Aaron’s rod were also placed in the “ark” with the Ten Commandments. The Ark of the Covenant was made with rings on its corners for the insertion of “the staves” or poles used by the priests to carry it (see Exodus 37:3-5). Moses “set the staves on the ark” so they would always be ready for use. Note: God was very specific and serious about carrying the ark with the poles by the priests. When it was carried on a cart in David’s time, Uzzah lost his life for grabbing hold of it when it almost fell from the cart (see II Samuel 6:2-7). On the second attempt to move the ark, David insisted that it be done properly and it was a joyous occasion (see II Samuel 6:12-13).
2. (vs. 21). After Moses placed the testimony in the Ark of the Covenant, this verse says “And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up the vail of the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; as the Lord commanded Moses.” Within the tabernacle, in order to make sure that no one other than the high priest entered God’s direct presence in the most holy place, a “vail” or curtain was hung to separate the most holy place from the holy place (see Exodus 26:31-34: Hebrews 9:7). In the most holy place or holiest of holies which was behind the veil, Moses placed the “ark of the testimony” or “Ark of the covenant” (the Ten Commandments). Again, we are told that this was done “as the Lord commanded Moses.” We should see in all of this the importance of obeying God. If Moses doesn’t follow God’s directions exactly, he would be disobedient. Remember, partial obedience is still disobedience.
D. The altar installed (Exodus 40:29). The tabernacle was to be placed inside a courtyard with specific dimensions (see Exodus 38:9-17). In this verse we are told that Moses “put the altar of burnt offering by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation, and offered upon it the burnt offering and the meat offering; as the Lord commanded Moses.” The first thing one would see as they entered the courtyard was “the altar of burnt offering” to be used by the priests for the offerings brought by the people. We are told that Moses placed it “by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.” However, it was actually placed closer to the entrance of the courtyard. Once Moses put the altar in place, he “offered upon it the burnt offering and the meat offering.” Of course the “burnt offering” was an animal, but the “meat offering” was actually a grain offering or meal offering with flour and oil being its basis (see Leviticus 2:1). It was bloodless and meatless. The “meat offering” was also to be offered with the “burnt offering” (see Numbers 15:1-16). Both offerings were made to atone for a person’s sin. Once again, we are told that Moses did this “as the Lord commanded Moses.”
E. The laver positioned (Exodus 40:30). Moses next “set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar, and put water there, to wash withal.” The next item that was important in the sacrificial system was the “laver.” It was a large round basin that Moses placed “between the tent of the congregation and the altar.” In other words, it was placed just after the altar of burnt offerings, and before the tabernacle (see Exodus 30:18). The phrase “put water there, to wash withal” means that it was used by the priests to wash regularly. It was to be filled with water, and the priests were to wash their hands and feet every time they entered the tabernacle or stepped up to the altar to offer a sacrifice. This was so important that God said that if the priests didn’t wash before serving they would die (see Exodus 30:20). If the priests were going to enter God’s presence on behalf of His people, they needed to be clean in every way. They offered sacrifices for themselves but they also needed to wash.
IV. THE SIGN OF GOD’S BLESSING (Exodus 40:34, 38). It was now one year after the Hebrews had left Egypt (see Exodus 40:17) and Moses and the Israelites had set up the tabernacle. The furniture was put in its proper place (see Exodus 40:22), and Moses along with Aaron and his sons washed themselves preparing to enter the tent (see Exodus 40:31-33).
A. Divine approval (Exodus 40:34). At this point, God placed His approval on the tabernacle by showing His personal presence. This verse says “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” This was the same cloud that had appeared to lead them after the Passover (see Exodus 13:21-22). It was a symbol of God’s presence and would go with and direct Israel throughout their wilderness journeys. As they made their way to the Promised Land they would always have visible evidence of God’s presence. As the “cloud covered the tent of the congregation” or the tabernacle, “the glory of the Lord filled” it. God’s glory was so bright that Moses was unable to enter the tabernacle (see Exodus 40:35).
B. Continual presence (Exodus 40:38). The last verse of our text says “For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.” During the day the Lord revealed His presence in the cloud over the tabernacle, and at night God revealed His presence in a pillar of fire. This was done “in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.” The cloud that had guided the Israelites when they set out from Succoth (see Exodus 13:20-22) now dwelt among them to lead them to the land of promise (see Exodus 40:36-39). It must have been an awesome sight to look toward the tabernacle and see the cloud by day and the fire by night. These were visible signs that the presence of God was with them. Note: Today, believers have the indwelling Holy Spirit, who bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God (see Romans 8:16). We don’t need the cloud or fire. We don’t need symbols of God’s presence, because we know He’s with us for Christians today are the temple of God (see I Corinthians 6:19-20).
V. Conclusion. Moses obeyed God completely in all the instructions to build the tabernacle. Once it was assembled, the glory of the Lord filled it to the extent that Moses, even though he had stood in the presence of God before, was not able to enter the tabernacle. Sadly, the Prophet Ezekiel later described a vision in which he saw the glory of God leave the temple due to the sin of the people (see Ezekiel 10:18).
Below is a description ot the Tabernacle, its furnishings and how they all are a shadow of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption.
The Tabernacle: A Picture of “Good things to Come”
The tabernacle and its rituals are called a “shadow of good things to come” a reference to the salvation of Jesus Christ – of which He is the substance (Hebrews 9:9-11; 10:1; Colossians 2:17). Many still focus on religious rituals rather than receiving the reality - the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are chasing shadows. They are like a husband who sees the shadow of his bride appearing as she is ready to walk down the aisle. He then ignores his bride and embraces her shadow. Are you chasing shadows or have you embraced the only living Savior?
The tabernacle was a sacred tent where God’s presence dwelt among Israel as they journeyed through the desert from Egypt to their promised land. As a tent (unlike their future temple) it was portable and could be moved from spot to spot as Israel traveled.
The details and order of the tabernacle are recorded in the Old Testament Holy Scriptures (Exodus 25-40). The New Testament Scriptures call the tabernacle a “figure” (or illustration) of “good things to come,” God’s good news concerning His Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:9-11). In modern times we often communicate with symbols and so does God.
The tabernacle was enclosed by a white wall. There was 1 door to enter. It was on the east side (the rising of the sun). There were 2 sections: #1, the outer courtyard; #2, the first sanctuary or the holy place; #3, the most holy place inside the veil where God appeared. There were 7 pieces of furniture: the altar of sacrifice; the washing laver; the lampstand; the table of bread; the altar of incense, the ark, and its lid the mercy seat. Let’s see the New Testament symbolical meaning.
The Wall
The wall was made of fine twined linen (white) and enclosed the courtyard and the sanctuary. If the biblical measurement of a “cubit” is indeed 18 inches, then the wall formed a rectangle 150 feet long (half the size of a football field) and 75 feet wide (Exodus 27: 9-15).
If there was no wall this would indicate that everyone is born with close access to God. But the wall formed a barrier to God’s presence.Simply put, God was on the inside and man was on the outside. The Son of God taught that there is a barrier between man and God: “Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come (John 8:21). God is pure and holy and man is impure and sinful.
The Door
The wall did, however, have a gate (door) of access. And there was only one. The one gate was made from cloth of four colors: white, blue, scarlet (red) and purple. It hung on four pillars forming three equal openings to the one gate (Exodus 27:16).
The wall was not meant to keep people away from God, but to show the approach to God is single or only one Way. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
Though a wall keeps out, a door lets in. If there was no door that would show that because God is holy, man could never come to Him. If there were several doors then the picture would say that there are many ways to God. But one door says one way. The Son of God said: “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9).
The four pillars of the gate remind us of the four gospels of Jesus Christ that present Him as the one Savior for the four corners of the world. The three sections remind us of the one triune God: Father, Son and Spirit. The four colors remind us of the character of Christ.
White linen tells us He’s the sinless One.
The heavenly blue that He’s God’s only Son;
The purple says that He, as King shall reign,
The scarlet says He for our sins was slain.
The 7 Pieces of Furniture
God gave the specific order for the arrangement of the furniture (Exodus 40:20-38). The ark and mercy seat are two separate pieces forming one.
1. The Altar of Sacrifice
The first piece a worshipper would encounter as he came through the door was the altar. It was wood covered with brass (or copper at that time). It was a perfect square with horns on each of the 4 corners. It was where the blood sacrifices of clean lambs and goats would be offered in the heat of fire unto God for atonement meaning the covering and forgiveness of sins (Exodus 27:1-8; Leviticus 17:11).
Since the brazen was FIRST, it tells us that judgment on sin and forgiveness must come first in one’s approach altar to God.
If the courtyard had been set up with no altar or priest to offer the sacrifice, it would indicate that one could come into God’s presence without a sacrifice or mediator. Some religions teach this. But the altar says our sin must be dealt with first by God’s ordained Priest, Jesus Christ. It was the Son of God who on the cross sacrificed His sinless blood on behalf of the sinner (1Corinthians 15:3). “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). It was Jesus who was resurrected as the High Priest. When people receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, they are taking their place as a sinner under judgment and trusting Christ alone as their Savior before God.
2. The Laver of Washing
The second piece of furniture was a washing basin for the priests called the laver or lavatory – place of washing (Exodus30:17-21). It came after the altar of sacrifice and before the entrance to the sanctuary (Exodus 38:8). It was made of polished copper. Its purpose was “to wash.” The priests had to daily wash their hands and feet from dirt and contamination before they worshipped God at the altar or entered the sanctuary to serve. The laver was not for the shedding of sacrificial blood for sin, but for the washing of dirt. One had to be clean to serve (Exodus 30:18-21). The laver, this second piece of furniture, tells us that God is not only interested in the forgiveness of our sin, but also our daily cleanliness in living for Him.
The New Testament teaches that once one is forgiven of sin by Christ’s sacrifice he or she receives the “living water” of the Holy Spirit. One purpose of the Spirit is to renew our minds to serve God acceptably. We also read of “the washing of water by the word.” As the Christian daily learns God’s Word, the Bible, he or she is cleansed from wrong thinking and wrong ways so their service is acceptable to God (John 8:37-39; Romans 12: 102; Hebrews 12:28; Ephesians 5:26; Psalm 119:11). If the order was the laver first and the altar second that would indicate that Christ’s gospel says to live clean and then God will forgive and make you right. Many religions support this order. But God’s order reveals that first God forgives by Christ and then He gives the power (Spirit) for one to live clean unto Him.
The Holy Place
(The First Part of the Sanctuary with 3 Pieces of Furniture)
The holy place (Exodus 26:36-37; 36:37-38) contained gold not copper: the golden lampstand, the golden table of bread and the golden altar of incense. Here the washed priests entered to perform service and representative worship unto the Lord. This section tells that God is not only interested in our forgiveness and daily cleanliness, but also our worship.
3. The Golden Lampstand
On the south side of the holy place stood the pure golden lampstand (25:31-40; 37:17-24). The gold was formed by beating or hammering into the shape of an almond tree in the full bloom of life. It had six fruitful branches with a central shaft or trunk. They were designed to hold seven bowls filled with olive oil to provide light. Light and life merged together in one unit. The light was continual and was never to go out (Exodus 27:20-21). There was no light at all in the holy place except that which came from the golden lampstand. The varied colors and beauty of the inner sanctuary could only be seen in this one light.John 1 presents the one Christ (Jesus) as both light and life. “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.” He alone as God in the flesh gives life eternal and the light to understand and know God. The number six of the branches reminds us of man (created on the sixth day). The number seven of the lamps reminds us of God’s perfect number (resting on the seventh day for all things were completed and good). Jesus Christ is both six (man) and seven (God) in one person. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is also pictured as a lampstand through which his Spirit and Word reveals the gospel truth and glory of God (Revelation 1:20).
4. The Golden Table of Showbread
Directly opposite the lampstand stood the table of showbread (Exodus 25:23-30; 37:10-16) on the north side. One could only see the bread by the one light. Twelve loaves of bread were set on it once a week. During the week the bread was to be displayed before God. On the Sabbath the priests were to eat it (Leviticus 24:5-9). Thus God and man shared the same table together in fellowship of the same bread.A table is a place where friends fellowship while eating. We read of the “Lord’s table” in the New Testament where the Christian breaks the bread and eats it in the fellowship of the body of Christ (1Corinthians 10:16-21). Here God and man are in harmony over the same thing: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His death was pleasing to the Father as an acceptable offering for our sin, and His death is precious to us as the means by which we are forgiven and know God’s love (Romans 5:8).
5. The Golden Altar of Incense
The third and last piece of furniture in the holy place was the altar of incense with its four horns (Exodus 30:1-10; 37:25-28)). This stood by the veil, which separated the holy place from the holiest of holies. This altar was for one purpose only: to burn incense, not sacrifice. The incense was a special God-prescribed formula, which sent out a rich fragrant smoke when the priest lit it at morning and evening.Incense pictures prayers to God (Psalm 141:2; Revelation 5:8; 8:3). When one prays in the name of God’s priest (the Lord Jesus) there is power and it is a pleasing aroma to God.
The Holiest of Holies
(The Second Part of the Sanctuary with 2 Pieces of Furniture)
The holiest place of all (Hebrews 10:19-20) contained the Ark of the Covenant (Hebrews 9:4) covered with a special lid called the mercy seat (Exodus 25:10-21). This was where God’s presence resided and where He communed (talked) with Moses (Exodus 25:22). The veil or curtain blocked the way so others could not enter in (Exodus 26:31-35). However, the minute the Lord Jesus died on the cross the veil, then in the temple, was split in two showing that the way was now made for all to come into the communion with God (Matthew 27:51; Hebrews 9:7-8, 10:19-21).
6&7 The Golden Ark and Mercy Seat
The Ark (Exodus 25:10-22) was a chest made out of wood covered with gold and having a crown border like the table and incense altar. It, however, rested in the holiest place behind the veil where the presence of God dwelt (Hebrews 9:1-6). The chest contained the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, God’s standard of righteousness; a golden pot of manna, Gods provision to sustain His people in life: and Aaron’s rod that budded with life, which looks forward to Christ, God’s choice as High Priest to be our continual mediator and intercessor (Psalm 40:6-10; John 6:51; Hebrews 4:14).
The Mercy Seat was the cover of the ark (Exodus 25:21; Hebrews 9:5). It was solid gold beaten into winged cherubim; one at each end looking down where God’s presence was. Cherubim are involved with the protection of God’s holiness. Here, once a year, the high priest alone went in with sacrificial blood from the bronze altar to sprinkle it on the mercy seat to obtain forgiveness of sins for Israel.The mercy seat tells us that there is mercy with God. The sacrifice of Christ is God’s mercy seat (Romans 3:25). “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He [the Lord Jesus] entered in once into the holy place [heaven], having obtained eternal redemption for us [all believers]” (Hebrews 9:12).
If you follow the tabernacle symbols they will lead you to His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord.